"Andrew's involvement proved to be truly transformative...The guidance and actionable insights he shared deeply resonated with our partner CEOs, sparking a positive shift in their perspectives."

- Simon Brown, CEO of CoAct.


Boost energy, enhance physical and psychological wellbeing, and be fit for work and life. 

MatchFit is being able to play and compete at a consistently high level, perform at your best in an ever-changing environment, and negate the biological decline of the body and brain post-40 years of age. There has never been a more important time to be MatchFit. 

Humans work to the same rhythms of nature as other living creatures. Inherent in each of these rhythms is an expansion and contraction, a rise and fall, an energy and idleness. COVID, global economic challenges, and the perpetual connectivity of to technology have disrupted the rhythms we work and live to. It is much harder to get the downtime and essential relief from the pressure and pace of our lives.  

Maintaining cardiorespiratory fitness, sustaining energy, boosting immunity, and focusing on mental wellbeing are imperative to employee health and sustained business performance. 

Andrew outlines 6 Levers (Move, Fuel, Recharge, Think, Connect and Play) that help restore energy; build resilience and optimise productivity and performance. 

Physical & Psychological Wellbeing. Flourishing. Human Performance. Longevity. Energy.

High Performance Reset

Learn how to keep performing at optimum levels, without the collateral damage.  

Research combined with the opportunity of working with world-class performers in sport, business, science, education, and the military for two decades shows success leaves clues. High performing individuals and winning teams display similar characteristics. 

In this thought-provoking presentation, Andrew explores 5 universal elements that underpin high performance in the workplace including: focusing on energy management, adding strategic recovery and micro breaks (Recharge); enhanced physical and psychological capacity (Being MatchFit); minimising distractions and working smarter (Training Focus); constant learning, growth mindset, and adapting to change (Mental Skills); and establishing productive and sustainable ways of working (Operating Rhythm).​ 

Specific to people leaders, Andrew can also cover ‘how to keep it together’ and create a psychologically safe environment and high trust team. 

High Performing Teams. Resilience. Change. Growth. Courage. Relationships. Trust. Leadership. 

Inside Job

Be calm under pressure through frontloading cognitive skills, so they can then be drawn upon when needed most. 

Sustainable, meaningful, high performance requires an inside out approach. Andrew’s latest keynote explores what it takes do ‘do an inside job’, using the latest neuroscience, performance psychology and 20 years of experience coaching some of the world’s leading athletes, sporting teams, CEOs, and entrepreneurs.   

Mental skills (psychological skills) are tools for the mind. Just like putting a fitness program together to train the body to be healthy, fit, flexible, and strong; we can do the same for your brain. Positive psychology teaches us that training the mind is like learning a new skill, such as playing the guitar or ice skating: we need to keep practising and have the right coaching and support until we become competent and gain mastery. 

Neuroscience, the scientific study of the nervous system and brain, shows our brains are malleable and can grow, learn, and develop throughout our lives if provided with the right nutrients and stimulation. Even when under continuous, high levels of pressure. 

Resilience. Mental Health. Wellbeing. Grit. Change. Mental Skills. Psychology. Sustainability. Neuroscience.​ Post-Traumatic Growth. 

SHIFT – The Neuroscience of Embracing Change

Train your brain and understand complexities of behaviour change to shift from stress to opportunity and from disruption to growth. 

Exploring and understanding more about your internal wiring reveals profound insights into human behaviour, psychology, decision-making and cognition. Our brain is an energy-efficient machine and prefers to operate automatically, even when habits, routines and rituals aren’t aligned to optimal results.  

A habit is any action performed so regularly it becomes an involuntary response. Sociologists believe 85 to 90% of daily human behaviour is an ingrained habit. Habitual patterns retain ‘memory of context’ and change neural activity stored in the basal ganglia region deep inside the brain.  

The brain is malleable and with the right training, the right fuel, and the right amount of pressure – it can be shaped to improve focus, cope with ambiguity and change, shift behaviour and enhance cognitive function. Train the brain to see change as an opportunity rather than a threat and improve your teams competitive advantage in a complex, ever-evolving environments. 

Neuroscience. Behaviour Change. Culture. Leadership. Coping with Aambiguity. Habit stacking. Cognitive Skills. 

The Power of Human Connection and Living on Purpose

Humans are wired to connect, and learn the importance of adding pleasure, meaning, fun and joy to your life. 

For thousands of years, we have lived and worked in communities – it’s fundamental to the way humans experience the world. We belong in tribes. It is wired in our DNA. Being truly connected provides purpose and gives our lives rich meaning and pleasure. 

The acceleration of technological development has transformed where and how we work.  Although we are now more ‘digitally connected’ with thousands of people on social media, many feel disconnected in their careers or relationships. It is now more important than ever to ‘connect’ in all parts of our personal and professional lives, . Research shows multiple benefits from having a clearly articulated purpose including living longer, resilience and bouncing back faster from adversity, and making more money. 

Andrew has been exploring the power of human connection in his work as an entrepreneur, focus on personal development, and in recent years coaching world champion athletes and elite sporting teams to create high performance environments/cultures.

Human Connection. Purposeful Living. Community. High Performance. Fun. Playfulness. Joy. 

Building Leadership Capacity

A science-based formula supporting leaders to protect time, boost energy and sharpen focus.  

Research suggests over 50% of senior leaders are highly stressed with the mental and physical demands of their roles. The requirement to function at an extremely high level makes leaders much like an elite athlete. There is a fine dance between pushing the body’s physical and psychological resources to stretch and not snap, to bend and not break. 

There is a missing link in the discussion about leadership. Organisations invest heavily in training Leadership Capability, but not nearly enough towards expanding Leadership Capacity (Protecting Time, Managing Energy and Focusing Attention). This is developed through enhanced self-awareness, and a set of routines and rituals supporting leaders to manage their physical, psychological, and emotional state; and positively influencing others. Think of Leadership Capacity as the foundation building blocks for sustained performance. 

Leaders cast large shadows. Clear, purposeful, and value-aligned leadership results in employees who are more engaged, more committed, and more productive.  

Leadership Capacity. Role modelling. Sustained Performance. Energy Management. Productivity Enhance focus. Self-awareness.